
Setting up a VPN on your server can be complex and expensive. However, a simpler and cost-effective solution exists using SSH tunneling, also known as a “Poor Man’s VPN.” This setup is perfect for secure browsing or accessing restricted networks. Here’s how to configure it on MacOS/Linux and Windows.

Configuring SSH Tunneling on MacOS and Linux

Step 1: Install Proxychains4

First, install Proxychains4, which allows you to route your traffic through proxy servers. You’ll need gcc and make installed on your machine to compile Proxychains4.

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
[optional] sudo make install
[optional] sudo make install-config # Installs proxychains.conf

Step 2: Modify Proxychains Configuration

Edit the Proxychains configuration file to use a SOCKS5 proxy:

# Edit /etc/proxychains.conf
# Comment out the default SOCKS4 proxy
# Add the following line for SOCKS5
socks5 1080

Step 3: Create SSH Tunnel

Establish an SSH tunnel that will act as your SOCKS server:

ssh -f -N -D 1080

Step 4: Verify the Proxy

Check if the proxy is working correctly:

curl -I

Step 5: Script for Connection Management

Use a bash script to easily connect and disconnect from your SSH tunnel:

# This script toggles the SSH tunnel and SOCKS proxy on and off
PID=$(pgrep -f ${PORT})
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
  then echo "Please run as root!"
if pgrep -f ${PORT} >/dev/null
  echo "Disconnecting..."
  kill -9 $PID
  echo "Connecting..."
  ssh -D ${PORT} -f -C -q -N ${SERVER}
  networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy ${NET_SERVICE} ${PORT}
  networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate ${NET_SERVICE} on
  echo "Connected to server. SOCKS proxy is active."

Configuring SSH Tunneling on Windows

Step 1: Install Bitvise and Proxifier

For Windows users, install Bitvise and Proxifier to manage your SSH tunnel and route applications through it.

  1. Download and install Bitvise SSH Client.
  2. Download and install Proxifier.

Step 2: Configure Bitvise and Proxifier

Follow the setup guides provided in the images to configure Bitvise for the SSH connection and Proxifier to manage your application traffic through the SSH tunnel.

Configuration Steps Configuration Steps Configuration Steps Configuration Steps Configuration Steps Configuration Steps Configuration Steps Configuration Steps Configuration Steps

By following these steps, you can effectively create a secure, private network connection using SSH tunneling, providing a budget-friendly alternative to traditional VPN services.